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Atomic SMS API (v.3.0)

To activate API 3.0. usage, please login Atomic SMS Sender accout and in the Settings section -> Atomic SMS Sender tab choose “Yes” in the Active API 3.0.

Note! Unlike the XML interface in API 3.0 the test mode is activated by transferring the test=1 parameter. Please note that the current parameter is also used in the checksum generating, if exists.


SMS API Usage Basics

To use API methods means to send an HTTP-request to the URL like:



METHOD * The name of the method
KEY * The public key to access API
SUM* The control request sum
ARG_1 … ARG_N The method arguments, separated for each method

*All the required parameter are marked with *

The parameters can be transmitted by GET and POST methods, and all the parameters must be in UTF-8 encoding. It is recommended that you transmit all the parameters using the POST method to avoid saving them in the proxy server logs.

To calculate the control sum, you must:

  1. Sort all the incoming keys
  2. Make a concatenation value over those keys
  3. Make a concatenation over received value with a private key
  4. Take an MD5 from the received result

The response will be in a JSON format object.

You can specify the public and private keys on the service settings page.

Below is an example of sum calculation for the addAddressbook method using the PHP language.

$params ['version'] ="3.0";
$params ['action'] = "addAddressbook";
$params [‘key’] = $openKey; //you open key
$params [‘name’] = “Test addressbook”;
$params [‘description] = “Test description”;
ksort ($params);
foreach ($params as $k=>$v)
$sum .= $privateKey; //your private key
$control_sum =  md5($sum);

Successful method call results

If the method call succeed, the object will contain “result” field, the content of which depends on the called method, and will not contain “error” field. But even when the method run successfully, the “warnings” field may appear, containing a package of warning objects with one-line “warning” field.
Successful method call response example:

      "name":"TEST NAME ADRESSBOOK",
      "creationdate":"2012-04-01 18:44:36",

Error response example

The error criterion after the method running is the existence of an “error” field. It contains an HTML error message in the response object. Additionally, there will be a “code” field with an error code in the response object. The “result” field will be ignored in case of error.

   "error":"Wrong public key.",


Address Book Operations

The Address Book is the object consisting of:

[id] — The identifier
[name] => Name
[phones] => The quantity of telephone numbers
[exceptions] => The number of excepted telephones
[creationdate] => The date of creation
[description] => The description

To create the Address Book

Method addAddressbook() is used.


name* Address Book name
description Address Book notes

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/addAddressbook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&name=BOOK_NAME&description=BOOK_DESCRIPTION



The unique identifier of a new Address Book addressbook_id will be returned in the response.

To delete the Address Book

Method delAddressbook() is used.


idAddressBook* The identifier of the address book to be deleted

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/delAddressbook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idAddressBook=21619


If the transaction is successfully completed the “result” object will contain “successful”: true.


If the transaction failed:

In case you are trying to delete an Address Book that doesn’t exist the server will return

    "error":"No addressbook",

To edit the Address Book

Method editAddressbook() is used.


idAddressBook* The identifier of the Address Book to edit
newName* The Address Book name
newDescr* The Address Book description

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/editAddressbook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idAddressBook=21619&newName=name&newDescr=descr



To get the Address Book

Method getAddressbook( ) is used.


idAddressBook The Address Book identifier
from Return objects starting at position "from"
offset The number of objects to return

The Address Book return is possible:

  • With the specified identifier

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getAddressbook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idAddressBook=2161


      "name":"super book",
      "creationdate":"2012-04-01 18:44:36",
  • without specified identifier all the Address Books will be returned.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getAddressbook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum

  • without specified identifier, but with specified offset, all the Address Book that corresponds to the offset will be returned

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getAddressbook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&from=3&offset=3


            "new book",
            "2012-01-17 14:57:37",
            "2012-02-06 15:08:16",
            "2012-03-27 22:45:47",

The Address Book search

Method searchAddressBook() is used.


from To return the objects starting with the “from” position
offset The number of objects to return



Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/searchAddressBook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&from=10&offset=3&searchFields={ “name” : { “operation” : “like” , “value” : “test%” } }


            "2012-01-05 16:34:15",
            "2012-02-06 15:08:16",
            "2012-01-27 10:45:47",

Address book cloning

Method getAddressbook( ) is used.

This method is used to make a copy of an existing address book with a new ID.


idAddressBook* ID of address book you want to copy

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/cloneaddressbook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idAddressBook=147



The phone numbers operations

The phone number is the object composed of:

[id]=> The phone identifier

[addressbook]=> The Address Book identifier

[phone]=> The phone number

[normalphone]=>The phone number according the international standard *

[variables]=> The variables to personalize, separated by «;» **

[status]=> The telephone number status

* international standard

** for example: Test1;Test2;Test3

Adding the phone number to the Address Book

Method addPhoneToAddressBook() is used.


idAddressBook* The Address Book identifier
phone* The phone number
variables The variable to personalize

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/addPhoneToAddressBook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idAddressBook=2432&phone=380638962555&variables=test



The unique phone number identifier phone_id will be returned.

Add phone numbers to Address Book

Method addPhoneToAddressBook() is used.


idAddressBook* Address book ID
data* phones in a JSON format [“Phone number”, “Variable”]. Example:[[“3806316923xx”,”Sergey”],[“3806316923xx”,”test”],[“3806785214xx”], [“3806785214xx”]]’.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/addPhoneToAddressBook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idAddressBook=2432&data=[[“38063169xxx1″,”test1″],[“38063169xxx2″,”test2″],[“38063169xxx3″,”test3″],[“38063169xxx3″,”test4″],[“38063169xxx4″],[“38063169xxx5″,”test5″]]



Getting phone from the Address Book

Method getPhoneFromAddressBook() is used.


idAddressBook The Address Book identifier
idPhone The phone identifier.
phone The phone number
from To return the objects starting with the “from” position
offset The number of objects to returned

All the arguments are optional.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getAddressbook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idAddressBook=2161


            "test variables",

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getPhoneFromAddressBook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idPhone=24552301


      "variables":"test variables",

Deleting phone numbers from the Address Book.

Method delPhoneFromAddressBook() is used.


idAddressBook* The Address Book identifier
idPhone* The phone identifier.

In order to delete all the phone numbers it is necessary to specify the Address Book identifier, but to delete a single phone you need to specify the phone number identifier.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/delPhoneFromAddressBook?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idPhone=24552301



Delete a group of phone numbers from the address book

Method delphonefromaddressbookgroup() is used.


idPhones* phone IDs, comma-separated. For example, 456, 523, 985, 412.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/delphonefromaddressbookgroup?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idPhones=456,523,985,412



Editing phone numbers in the Address Book

Method editPhone() is used.


idPhones* The phone identifier
phone* The phone number
variables* The variable to personalize

It is necessary to input the new phone number (according to the international standard) and the new line of variables.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/ editPhone?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idPhone=24552301&phone=380657412569&variables=test



Looking up phone numbers in the Address Book

Method searchPhones() is used.


searchFields The “json” format object for the search. The search is possible through the following fields: “idAddressBook”, “phones”, “normalPhone”, “variables”, “status”. These operations can be used during the search: like,=,>,>=,<,<=.

The example:

from To return the objects starting with the “from” position
offset The number of objects to return

Request example:

URL:  { “variables” : { “operation” : “like” , “value” : “иван%” } }“>http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/searchPhones?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&searchFields={ “variables” : { “operation” : “like” , “value” : “иван%” } }


            "Иван Васильевич",

The exceptions operations

The exception is the object composed of:

[id] => The identifier

[phone] =>The phone number

[added] => The adding date

[comment] => The description

To add the telephone number to the exceptions

Method addPhoneToExceptions() is used.


idPhone The phone identifier
phone The phone number
reason The reason of adding to the exceptions

To add the phone to the exceptions it is necessary to relay the phone identifier or the phone number.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/addPhoneToExceptions?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idPhone=24552291&reason=test_add



The unique exception identifier exception_id will be returned in the response.

Deleting phone numbers from the exceptions

Method delPhoneFromExceptions() is used.


idPhone The phone identifier
phone The phone number
idException The exception identifier

To delete the telephone number it is necessary to relay one of these parameters.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/delPhoneFromExceptions?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idPhone=24552291



Editing phone numbers in the exceptions

Method editExceptions() is used.


idException* The exception identifier
reason* The detailed reason of adding the phone to the exceptions

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/delPhoneFromExceptions?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idPhone=24552291



Getting the exception object

Method getException() is used.


idException The exception identifier
phone The phone number
idAddresbook The Address Book identifier
from To return the objects starting with the “from” position
offset The number of objects to return

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/delPhoneFromExceptions?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idPhone=24552291


      "added":"2012-04-04 10:55:08",

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getException?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&from=1&offset=2


12 10:44:31",
            "2012-04-04 10:55:08",

Searching through exceptions

Method searchPhonesInExceptions() is used.


searchFields The “json” format object for the search. The search is possible through the next fields: “id”, “phone”, “date”, “descr”. These operations can be used during the search: like,=,>,>=,<,<=.

The example

from To return the objects starting with the “from” position
offset The number of objects to return

Request example:

URL:  { “variables” : { “operation” : “like” , “value” : “иван%” } }“> http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/searchPhones?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&searchFields={ “variables” : { “operation” : “like” , “value” : “иван%” } }


            "2012-04-04 10:11:40",
            "2012-03-12 10:44:31",

Checking the balance

Method getUserBalance() method is used.


“currency” the currency
“balance_currency” the balance in the chosen currency

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getUserBalance?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&currency=USD



The sender name registration

Method registerSender() is used.


name The sender name. No more than 14 numerals for numeric sender ID, and no more than 11 symbols for textual sender ID.
country The country to register the name in. Currently the following countries require sender ID registration: MD,UA.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/registerSender?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&name=qwerty&country=UA



The status in the “status” field will be returned in the response:

0 – pending approval

1 — approved

2 — denied

Getting the sender status

Method getSenderStatus() is used.


idName The sender name identifier
name The sender name
country The country
from To return the objects starting with the “from” position
offset The number of objects to return

To get the sender status it is necessary to transmit the sender name identifier or to transmit the sender name and the country. To get all the objects specify the offset.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getSenderStatus?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&idName=747


URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getSenderStatus?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&name=qwerty&country=ua



URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getSenderStatus?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&from=10&offset=2



Bulk SMS operations

Creating a campaign

Method createCampaign() is used.


sender The sender identifier
text The text message content
list_id The Address Book identifier td
datetime To send by parts – the number of SMS per transaction
batch To send by parts – the interval between the deliveries, minutes
batchinterval To send by parts – the interval between the deliveries, minutes
sms_lifetime Sms lifetime (0=maximum)
control_phone The control phone number
userapp The application ID

The “datetime” parameter is used if the campaign must be sent not immediately, but be scheduled. For the immediately delivery this parameter needs to be empty.

The example of date format during the parameter transmission – 2012-05-01 00:20:00

The “batch” and “batchinterval” parameters are used if the delivery needs to be sent by parts. If the delivery is planned by an iteration, the parameters must be transmitted with the 0 value.

The optional parameter “control_phone” is specified if the delivery quality control on the input phone is necessary. The phone number must be in the international standard format.

The additional parameter “userapp” can be used to identify the campaign source. If you want to know how many sms messages were sent via your application/module/service — specify its name into this parameter, the statistics will be available on request.

Attention! This parameter is not involved in the formation of a checksum.

It is better to transfer this parameter for creating campaign methods as following:




Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/createCampaign?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&sender=Info&text=Testing%20SMS&list_id=1234&datetime=&batch=0&batchinterval=0&sms_lifetime=0&controlnumber=



Where id is the created campaign identifier, price is the value of the delivery in the currency, specified in the user settings.

Sending a single the text message to a particular phone number

Method sendSMS() is used.


sender The sender identifier
text The text message content
phone The recipient phone number
datetime To schedule the campaign
sms_lifetime The sms lifetime (0=maximum, 1, 6, 12, 24 hours)

The “datetime” parameter is used if it is necessary not to send the delivery immediately but to schedule it. For the immediately delivery just transmit the empty parameter. The example of date format during the parameter transmission – 2012-05-01 00:20:00

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/sendSMS?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&sender=Info&text=Testing%20SMS&phone=380972920383&datetime=&sms_lifetime=0



Where id is the created campaign identifier, price is the value of the delivery in the currency, specified in the user settings.

Send SMS to a group

Method sendsmsgroup() is used.


sender* Sender ID
text* message body
phones* phones in a JSON format [“Phone number”, “Variable”].Example:[[“3806316923xx”,”Sergey”],[“3806316923xx”,”test”],[“3806785214xx”],[“3806785214xx”]]
datetime* delivery date and time
sms_lifetime * sms lifetime

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/sendsmsgroup?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&sender=senderid&text=text&datetime=2013-01-19 00:00:00&sms_lifetime=0&phones=[[“3806316923xx”,”Sergey”],[“3806316923xx”,”test”],[“3806785214xx”],[“3806785214xx”]]



Sending Rout Selection

Use generic parameter sendOption, to define the route for sending for each country.

Parameters are passed in the form of a JSON string.

For Ukraine the parameters are passed in the form:

    "sendTypeCountry" : {
        "211" : "national_ua"
national_ua Pre-registered Sender ID route (Mandatory pre-registration of the name at the operators is required, it is suitable only for national SMS)
national_ua_fix Sending SMS text messages with your Sender ID changed to a fixed alpha Sender ID (Specified sender’s name is replaced by the general letter name. This route is suitable for national SMS)
international_ua Alphadynamic Sender ID route (Specified sender’s name is saved. This route is used for international SMS traffic to Ukraine and for the national names, that are not approved by the operators)
ua_sim Random numeric Sender ID route (Specified sender’s name is replaced by a random local digital number on this route. This route is suitable for both national and international traffic.)

Attention! For Russia The parameters are passed in the form

    "rule" : "route",
    "type" : "direct"

Parameter “rule” – is additional parameter, that is used only for Russia and is always equal “route”, parameter “type” serves to select the route.

Possible options for sending:

direct Route is connected directly to the Russian operators (requires mandatory pre-registration of the name of the operators are allowed only alphabetic names)
direct_fix Route is connected directly to the Russian operators (specified sender’s name is replaced by a fixed letter name)
not_direct Route through a third-party operator channels (in most cases, specified sender’s name is replaced by a random digit number)

Example of settings for Russia and Ukraine, while sending to multiple numbers in PHP.

// Route for Russia
$route ['rule'] = 'route'; 
$route ['type'] = 'direct'; 
// Route for Ukraine
$route ['sendTypeCountry']['211'] = "international_ua"; 
// Convert options for Russia and Ukraine in json format
$params ['sendOption'] = json_encode($route);

Getting information over the campaign results

Method getCampaignInfo() is used.


id The campaign identifier that was created by sendSMS() or createCampaign().

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getCampaignInfo?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&id=128891




sent – the number of sent text messages

delivered – the number of delivered text messages

not_delivered – the number of undelivered text messages

price – the price of all the campaign

status – the campaign state

The variable “status” can have such values:

0 The message is in the waiting line
1 There is no enough money to start the delivery
2 The delivery is in the progress
3 Sent
4 There are no valid recipient numbers
5 Partially sent
6 Spam
7 The recipient name is invalid
8 Pause
9 The delivery is scheduled
10 The campaign is pending manual approval

Getting the SMS delivery statuses

Method getCampaignDeliveryStats() is used.


id The campaign identifier that was created by sendSMS() or createCampaign()
datefrom This parameter is not required. If it’s specified the statuses will be got after last “date from” upgrading.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getCampaignDeliveryStats?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&id=128891


"0000-00-00 00:00:00"
"0000-00-00 00:00:00"


phone – the telephone package

sentdate – the time sending package

donedate – the last status setting package

status – the text message state package

The variables in “status” can be of such values:

0 In the waiting line
INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER Invalid recipient number

If the field “sentdate” contains the value “0000-00-00 00:00:00” it means that a text message is still in the waiting line. As well, if “donedate” contains “0000-00-00 00:00:00”
it means that the final status hasn’t been got from the operator.

Cancelling the delivery

Method cancelCampaign() is used.


id The campaign identifier that was created by sendSMS() or createCampaign().

To cancel the delivery is possible only before it’s starting.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/cancelCampaign?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&id=128891



Deleting the delivery

Method deleteCampaign() is used.


id The campaign identifier that was created by sendSMS() or createCampaign()..

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/deleteCampaign?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&id=128891



If the delivery has been already deleted, the response will contain an error message. The delivery can be deleted in spite of the current status.

Checking the campaign price according to the specified text message and the list

Method checkCampaignPrice() is used.


sender The sender identifier.
text The text message content.
list_id The Address Book identifier.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/checkCampaignPrice?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&sender=Info&text=Testing%20SMS&list_id=1234



Get campaigns price

Method checkCampaignPriceGroup() is used.


sender* sender ID..
text* message body..
phones* phones in a JSON format [“Phone number”, “Variable”].Example:[[“3806316923xx”,”Sergey”],[“3806316923xx”,”test”],[“3806785214xx”],[“3806785214xx”]]’..

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/checkCampaignPriceGroup?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&sender=senderid&text=text&phones=[[“3806316923xx”,”Sergey”],[“3806316923xx”,”test”],[“3806785214xx”],[“3806785214xx”]]



Getting the list of campaign

Method getCampaignList() is used

There are no Arguments.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getCampaignList?key=public_key&sum=control_sum


    "id": [
"from": [
 "body": [
"Text of SMS1",
"Text of SMS2"
status" : [

The field “status” has the same value as in the table for getCampaignInfo() option.

Get messages statuses due to campaigns

Method getcampaigndeliverystatsgroup() is used.


id* campaigns IDs, comma-separated.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/getcampaigndeliverystatsgroup?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&id=754,751


      "sentdate":["0000-00-00 00:00:00","0000-00-00 00:00:00"],
      "donedate":["0000-00-00 00:00:00","0000-00-00 00:00:00"],

Get task status

Method gettaskinfo() is used.


taskIds* tasks IDs, comma-separated.

Request example:

URL: http://api.atompark.com/sms/3.0/gettaskinfo?key=public_key&sum=control_sum&taskIds=97659003,97659005


      "sentdate":"2012-12-07 10:14:29"
      "donedate":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
      "sentdate":"2012-12-07 10:14:29"
      "donedate":"0000-00-00 00:00:00"

Developers who need additional free SMS for testing please email us at 911@atompark.com