
Using command line

Atomic Mail Sender supports command line to computerize many specific search operations.

What do the options mean:

Parameter How does it work
project.amsm — -actRun Atomic Mail Sender, open a project from project.amsm, load a mailing
list from the file associated to this project and start email delivering.
–shutdownAfter sending mail, Atomic Mail Sender will shutdown your computer (admin
rights are required)
–runexeafter app.exeAfter sending mail, Atomic Mail Sender will run the specified application
–list listfile.csvAtomic Mail Sender will open a mailing list from the specified file. It can open text, CSV, Excel, Word, Access and DBF files.If a project is opened too, then “listfile.csv” will be used instead of the mailing list file specified in the project.
–exitAfter sending mail, Atomic Mail Sender will close itself automatically
–savefailed list.txtAfter sending mail, Atomic Mail Sender will export a “failed”
list of addresses to the file list.txt

See also:

Program settings


Customer support