
Tracking email messages

Sent e-mail messages can be tracked by Atomic Email Tracker. This service can be integrated with any email sending software, but the best performance is achieved when you use it together with Atomic Mail Sender.

This service can be easily integrated with Atomic Mail Sender. To track a message, you should select “Service” / “Atomic Email Tracker” command or the corresponding button in the toolbar.
Use the new dialog box to enter the following:

“I need track my e-mail campaign” — if checked and your account is active, the stats are collected.

“Login e-mail” — your e-mail address used to create the tracking account. As usual it is your registration e-mail.

“Password” — the password for the access

“Message name” — the unique message code to use while tracking. If you use the same ID for several messages, Atomic Email Tracker detects them like one message and track together. That’s why use a different name for every message.

How it works

Atomic Email Tracker is an on-line service. You sign up for the tracking service on our site and activate the account, then you simply enter the account login in Atomic Mail Sender and it will start collecting the stats. When you send out your mail, Atomic Mail Sender makes appropriate corrections in the original code to allow stats collection.

Once signed up, you can see how many users receive and read your messages, who clicks the links and what kind of links. A lot of various reports are available.

You can sign up for the tracking service here.

Do you want to improve email open rate? Then we suggest you many tips for increasing open rates with the help of email verifier and other tools. Read the article.

See also:

Sending a message

Extracting e-mail addresses